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The record of births, marriages and deaths and intentions of marriage, in the town of Stoughton from 1727 to 1800, and in the town of Canton from 1797-1845
The Annual Town Report includes vital statistics (births, deaths, marriages)
The vital stats list town-wide totals through 1857; individual death listings begin in 1858, births and marriages in 1878.
After 2010, the printed Annual Town Report no longer includes vital stats. See the Town Clerk’s office in Memorial Hall
Massachusetts soldiers and sailors of the Revolutionary War
Massachusetts soldiers, sailors, and marines in the Civil War
World War records : Canton, Massachusetts, 1917-1918 Vol. 1 A-J
World War records : Canton, Massachusetts, 1917-1918 Vol. 2 K-Z is the world's largest gravesite collection with millions of cemetery records. Select the links below to explore gravesite records for Canton's cemeteries.
Canton Corner Cemetery | St. Mary's Cemetery | Oldest Burying Ground | Gridley Cemetery |
Directory of residents
1939-47, 1949-50, 1952-3, 1955-1961, 1963-1964, 1966 to current. Includes name, address, occupation and year of birth
Resident and business directory of Canton, Mass. 1887-1888
The Canton directory, Massachusetts, 1911
The Brockton suburban directory for Canton, Easton, Sharon 1917-1918
Canton area phone books
1956 (in Keleher collection), 1995-2002, 2006-2012, 2017-2019
List of voters
1893-1896, 1898-1899, 1904-06, 1915, 1916 (women voters only), 1917, 1919, 1922, 1924
Real estate valuations and taxes
1856, 1868, 1882-1883, 1891, 1936, 1949, 1970
Poll tax lists
List of Assessed Polls in the Town of Canton 1905, 1912-1916
List of Persons Assessed for a Poll Tax in the Town of Canton 1917-1938
Canton High School alumni register (1869-1896)
Canton High School Yearbooks
Register of persons supported by the Town of Canton (1912)